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TA Tidbits #55 Spring Loaded

Writer's picture: Mark L. JohnsonMark L. Johnson

Upper Javelina Trail (4/7/24)

The wildflowers are now abundant in the Tortolitas and it will get even better in the next few weeks as it gets warmer. Recently hiked the Tortoilita Preserve and Upper Javelina Trail. See collage of wildflower photos at end of this blog.


Aloha! Just back from a month in Hawaii-Big Island. Thoroughly enjoyed hiking along the beautiful Ala Kahakai shoreline trail (Kohala Coast), hiking in Volcanoes National Park and the lava fields and swimming with the sea turtles, whales and colorful tropical fish.

Lani (Sea Turtle) came up to say Aloha one night at our favorite sunset spot!

Well back to reality and here are some updates on local stuff.


Tortolita Preserve Baby Saguaro Planting Update

Tucson Audubon staff planted an additional 300 baby saguaros in the Tortolita Preserve (TP) in recent weeks bringing the total planted in 2024 to 700! Baby Strong-Arm II is doing well (see photo left).

Moore Road Trailhead Gets New Kiosk

New double kiosk with large temperature gauge and hiker/biker/horseback log pedestal has been installed at the new Moore Road Trailhead.

On Saturday morning (4/6) there were two horse trailers and a dozen cars in the parking lot. Glad to see hikers, bikers and horseback riders enjoying the new trailhead and the TP.

Tortolita Alliance (TA) Presentation-Dove Mountain Rotary Club

Mark Johnson (TA President) will be giving a presentation entitled "Conserving The Tortolita Preserve" at the Dove Mountain Rotary Club on Thursday, 4/11/24 at 5:00 PM. Note the location has moved to the Marana Chamber of Commerce at 13251 N Lon Adams Rd, Marana, AZ 85653.

Tortolita Preserve Pano From Upper Javelina Trail (4/7/24)


Tortolita Wildflowers-Spring 2024

This collage of wildflower photos were taken in the Tortolita Preserve (3/27/24) and Upper Javelina Trail (4/7/24). The common names (left to right and down): miniature woollystar, distant phacelia, Mount Lemon-snow from TP, Emory's rockdaisy, brittlebush, desert globemallow (white), lyreleaf jewelflower, slender phlox, desert poppy, California goldfields, Tell-Tale Saguaro w/buds, desert hickory, dune evening primrose, desert globemallow (pink), desert rosemallow, western tansymustard, American threefold, Coulter's lupine, saguaro w/bacterial necrosis, creosote bush, desert marigold, desert penstemon.

© 2024 by the Tortolita Alliance

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