One Water-Public Comments
Arizona Daily Star (Tony Davis) reported recently that many public comments regarding the Tucson Water (TW) One Water 2100 Plan (Plan) were not incorporated into the Plan. Click on the link below to read the article.
TW Responses to Tortolita Alliance (TA) Comments were referenced in the article. Although not all of TA's comments were accepted, we were pleased to get written responses to all of our comments and many were accepted.
The article does point out that business advocacy groups got more favorable responses than individual and conservation advocacy groups. This is the important take-away from this article. There are at least 30 environmental groups in the Tucson region all working hard to protect the environment including our water resources. Yet government agencies and water agencies tend to favor the business side when it comes to water. Arizona needs to find a realistic balance between growth and protecting our water resources. A balance that is based on practical water resource science, engineering and planning and not on speculation. See Water Woes XXV-Assured Water Supply Committee Comment Letter.
No LIV Golf For Tucson In 2024
Golf Magazine (James Colgan-11/22/23) reports that, "after less-than-stellar debuts", the 2024 LIV Golf Schedule does not include Tucson.
No worries. There are many great events that could come to our region and support tourism yet at the same time value and protect our beautiful Sonoran Desert environment.