Tortolita Preserve-New Moore Rd. Trailhead Construction (9/30/23)
Tortolita Preserve (TP)-Moore Rd Trailhead Construction
The construction of the new TP Moore Road Trailhead is proceeding nicely. See photo collage (9/30/23) below.
Rose Kennedy-Camelot-Hyannisport
What does Rose Kennedy, Camelot and Hyannisport have to do with the Sonoran Desert! Not really anything directly but I thought you might want to read about some real-life experiences during a tumultuous time in American political history.
Kate Storey (Rolling Stones Editor) recently wrote a NY Times best-selling book entitled, White House By The Sea-A Century of Kennedys At Hyannis Port. I was able to fact-check her book and report that it is quite accurate as I was there. I grew up about one-mile from the Kennedy Compound in Hyannisport, MA and experienced first-hand the great and tragic times of the Kennedys. I also relayed some additional stories regarding the Kennedys as I worked at the Hyannisport Club in my youth and was befriended by Rose Kennedy. Learn more by reading my letter to Kate Story (click on link below). Enjoy!