Marana Housing/Population
Marana Town Council is holding a Study Session (2/11/25) regarding a recently published document entitled, Marana Housing Needs Results Memorandum (Memo) (12/13/24) by ECOnorthwest. Click on link below to download the Memo.
The Memo was prepared in response to Senate Bill 1162, which requires municipalities in Arizona to complete a housing needs assessment by January 1, 2025 and every five years thereafter. The assessment must include population projections, job growth, land availability and housing needs across all income levels.
TA has reviewed the Memo and found inconsistencies with existing and projected population projections. In particular, the Memo estimates a need for an additional 7,167 housing units in Marana between 2024 and 2033. Yet population projections derived from Marana Water 2024 Designated Assured Water Supply (DAWS) and Tucson Water demand projections for Marana yield a housing unit increase of 15,390 housing units for approximately the same period---almost double!
TA believes that land/housing planning and water supply planning need to be synchronized and utilize the same population projections. Accordingly, TA has submitted a Letter (2/7/25) with some important questions and requested clarifications. Click on the link below to download the Letter.
TRICO Community Meeting-Highlands-2/7/25
TA attended the TRICO Community Meeting at the Highlands on 2/7/25 and gleaned the following highlights (click on blue text to get more information):
Adonis Electric Transmission Line (Dove Mountain)-the underground portion of this electric transmission line is now under construction and extends from the last tower to two existing electrical cabinets at the Dove Mountain Park West entrance. The new transmission line is not expected to be energized until the end of March.
TRICO Proposed Rate Increase-TRICO applied for a 7.1% average residential rate increase with the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC). If approved, this increase will become effective in 2026 and will be the first rate increase in approximately 10 years. The big driver is normal inflation and the tremendous increase in cost (and lead times) for electrical equipment, e.g. poles, transformers, etc. You can learn more about the rate increase at this ACC eDocket Link.
Electric Vehicle Programs-TRICO has two electric vehicle programs---Time of Use Rate and Unlimited Rate. Both of these require a Level 2 charger (240 V). The proposed 7.1% rate increase includes a Time of Use tariff that will allow those with plug-in hybrid vehicles (120 V charger) the ability to charge off-peak without the need for a Level 2 charger.
Energy Mix-renewables (solar) (35%), natural gas (31%), coal (28%) & hydropower (6%)
Solar-TRICO has 4 large solar projects that have 25 megawatt (MW) of capacity and can generate 45,000 MW-hours annually---enough to serve 4,500 homes. Two of these solar projects have 2-hour battery storage facilities. TRICO has 5,000 residential solar installations with 39 MW of capacity and generating 84,000 MW-hours annually.
Fiber Optic Cable/High Speed Internet-TRICO is proposing to install fiber optic cable with its overhead and underground assets to provide wired control and monitoring (versus radio) of its key electrical assets. They are also proposing to offer high speed internet service (non-profit) to commercial and residential customers in conjunction with the fiber optic cable installation.