Donate To TA Today!
Tortolita Alliance (TA) was officially formed on January 31, 2020. Since that time, much has been accomplished:
Protected the Tortolita Preserve (TP) from proposed development
BioBlitz (aka natural resource survey)-served as major Partner
Collaborated w/Marana Parks & Recreation
Moore Road Trailhead Improvements​
Western Fence Installation
Trail Counter
Over 300 blogs providing the community with current information on trails, animals & plants, proposed development, water supply and more​
Monitor federal/state and local regulations and actions impacting our region
There are expenditures that come with being a non-profit. TA has an annual budget of about $3,400/year that includes website fees, communication (print & room rental) and insurance expenses.
TA is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt non-profit. This means your donation to TA is tax deductible.
We hope you will consider making a donation of $25, $50, $100, $200 or more. You can make an on-line donation by completing the form below and follow the prompts. You can pay by credit card, PayPal, Venmo or send in a check.